miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

Here is the poster of the blog showing some complex buildings. The one on the left is edited and the other is not.

 Other tytle with the kio towers in the background.

The buildings in the background are the highest in Madrid, The text, that is the new slogan of the blog is "towards the top".

Here it is the GIF of my blog. The building in the background is part of one of the most important squares in Madrid, the Plaza Mayor.

jueves, 17 de enero de 2019

La Sagrada Familia is a catholic basilica in Barcelona designed by the architect Antonio Gaudi. It was began in 1882 and it still in building process as Gaudi wanted to do a masterpiece of architecture and it is a very complex construction.

La Sagrada Familia but with cranes surrounding it.

La Sagrada Familia but without cranes surrounding it.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Our company, Architech, is trying to reach the improveness of our projects. In this blog, we are going to inform you about how we did our desings and blueprints and we explain it for you. We also tell you about how we work, showing the things we do and how we do them. We don't upload this blog many times but it would be nice if you visit it. 😁